
When signee receives the email to sign via email, which email do they see?

The email address mentioned will be the email address that generated the API key.

Can Signify provide progress of the workflow?

You may use the "Get Single Document" API which will include expiry dates, document status, signees signing statuses.

Signature is invalid: there are errors in the formatting or information contained in this signature

It is likely the intranet has a firewall which does "Content disarm and reconstruction (CDR)". When the file goes through the firewall, the firewall processes and rewrites the content in what it considers to be a "safer format". However, that unfortunately modifies the Singpass signature and renders it invalid. You may need to ask your IT department to help with this, and either disable the CDR functionality for such pdf files, or else update their CDR code so that it does not modify Singpass signatures in PDF files.

Last updated